Esprit D'Air, a fusion of British and Japanese talents, gave birth to a captivating alternative metal band in the vibrant city of London back in 2010. This musical collective, aptly named "Spirit of Air" in French, boasts a unique blend of influences from both nations, creating a distinctive sound that has garnered widespread acclaim.

In a notable turn of events in 2013, the band's fame skyrocketed when their single, "Shizuku," achieved the prestigious distinction of being the first playable track in the J-rock category within the highly popular video game, Rock Band 3. This legacy continues, as "Shizuku" remains a featured song in Rock Band 4 since 2023.

However, despite their initial success, Esprit D'Air temporarily disbanded that same year, with some of its members returning to Japan. But the spirit of this extraordinary band couldn't be extinguished. In 2016, Esprit D'Air made a triumphant comeback, with Kai at the helm. He astutely recruited talented session musicians and support members, some of whom were part of the original lineup, to join him on tour.

Esprit D'Air's unique sound, born from the fusion of British and Japanese musical influences, continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Their resilience and commitment to their art ensure that their music remains a powerful force in the realm of alternative metal.

エスプリ・ディエール(Esprit D'Air)は、2010年にロンドンの活気ある都市で誕生した、英国と日本の才能が融合した魅力的なオルタナティブ・メタルバンドです。この音楽的なコレクティブは、フランス語で「風の精神」という名前がふさわしく、両国の影響を独自に組み合わせた独特のサウンドを誇り、幅広い称賛を受けています。

2013年、バンドは注目すべき出来事を迎え、彼らのシングル「雫(Shizuku)」が、非常に人気のあるビデオゲーム「Rock Band 3」内のJ-rockカテゴリーで最初にプレイ可能な曲として認められ、その名声が急上昇しました。この偉業は2023年に入っても続き、「Shizuku」は「Rock Band 4」の特集曲としてその名を刻んでいます。





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