Embarking on a musical odyssey that intertwines diverse backgrounds, QUBIT emerges as a project transcending the boundaries of time. The band's moniker draws inspiration from the smallest unit in quantum mechanics, reflecting their endeavor to weave a tapestry that connects the past, present, and future.

In the illustrious year of 2022, the genesis of QUBIT took root during Daoko's 10th Anniversary Live Tour. This monumental event not only marked a decade of Daoko's musical journey but also laid the foundation for QUBIT's inception. With a lineup of exceptionally talented members, the band has been enchanting audiences with their dynamic and spirited performances.

The catalyst for QUBIT's formation ignited on the inaugural day of Daoko's 10th-anniversary tour in Sapporo, sparked by guitarist Nagai. Reflecting on their collaborative efforts over the preceding three years, Nagai expressed the desire to channel their collective potential into a more defined purpose. Thus, the idea of creating an album under a new band name was born.

In unanimous agreement with Nagai's vision, the members rallied together, giving birth to QUBIT. This musical entity embarked on a journey that not only includes captivating live performances but also the creation of original compositions, breathing life into their shared artistic vision. The story of QUBIT unfolds as a testament to the power of collaboration and the perpetual evolution of musical expression.






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