Utsu-P, a prolific Japanese musician hailing from Nagoya and currently calling Setagaya home, embarked on his musical journey in June 2008. His musical signature is characterized by a dynamic blend of powerful shouts, a facet that poses unique challenges when expressed through Vocaloid software. Utsu-P marries this vocal intensity with a robust rock sound and infectious melodies, crafting a juxtaposition that makes his music truly distinctive.

A prominent figure on the live event circuit, Utsu-P frequently churns out music that resonates with a broad fan base. Even amidst his live performances, he maintains an approachable demeanor, always ready to engage with his loyal supporters.

Notably, Utsu-P's musical prowess extends beyond vocals. He's a multi-instrumentalist, playing bass and handling all guitar and bass parts in his compositions. Early on, he made a playful mark in the online world by donning a giraffe mask and delivering eccentric guitar performances, coining the alter ego "Manic Depression-P" (Soujoutai Utsu-P).

Collaboration is at the heart of Utsu-P's creative process. He collaborates with a diverse array of artists, collectively crafting CD jacks and videos that complement the essence of his songs.



特筆すべきこととして、Utsu-Pの音楽の腕前はヴォーカルにとどまらず、彼はベースも演奏し、楽曲内のギターとベースのすべてのパートを自身で手がけています。初期から、彼はキリンのマスクを被り、風変わりなギターパフォーマンスを披露し、別名「マニックデプレッション-P」(Soujoutai Utsu-P)と名付けました。



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