Cantoy's journey began in Tokyo back in 2004 under the name "Candy Toybox." However, in 2009, they decided to embark on a fresh start and rebranded themselves as "Cantoy." This transition marked a pivotal moment in their evolution.

Cantoy's music seamlessly blends elements that resonate with today's music market. Their unique sound is a captivating fusion of kawaii-style pop vocals and digital hardcore extravagance, tinged with hints of punk and metal influences. Cantoy proudly identifies as an "everyday rock band," channeling their passionate emotions into their music.

In the realm of live performances, their primary objective is clear: entertain the audience and elicit laughter. They prioritize being labeled as "interesting" over being considered "cool," embracing the joy of making people smile.

As a band, Cantoy aspires to create a robust and powerful sonic experience. To achieve this, they actively incorporate "7-string guitars" and "5-string basses," which boast more strings than the conventional instruments. With these additions, they aim to craft a "heavy, loud, metal sound" that leaves a lasting impact on their listeners.

Cantoyの旅は、2004年に東京で「Candy Toybox」という名前で始まりました。しかし、2009年になり、新たなスタートを切るために自らを「Cantoy」と改名することを決意しました。この転機は彼らの進化における重要な瞬間となりました。





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