Emerging from the resilient spirit of Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, this dynamic 3-piece rock band has woven its sonic tapestry across the vibrant landscapes of Yokohama and Tokyo.

Their journey began amidst the aftermath of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, a pivotal moment that fueled their artistic flame. In the following year, the stage of "AIR JAM 2012" in Miyagi Prefecture became their canvas, their hearts captivated by the magnetic allure of Hi-STANDARD.

The roots of their musical odyssey delve deeper, sprouting in the form of a predecessor band crafted in the heart of Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, in 2013. High school days marked the inception of the Tohoku Live House Daisakusen, their foundation rooted in the vibrant Ishinomaki BLUE RESISTANCE.

In a transformative leap in 2018, they relocated to Tokyo, bringing forth a name change to "carabina." This metamorphosis mirrored their evolution, symbolizing a new chapter in their artistic narrative.

What sets them apart is not just the melodic guitar sound that weaves through their compositions but the lyrical prowess that paints vivid scenes and evokes deep emotions. A distinctive hallmark is the lead vocalist's voice—an emotive instrument that lays bare the soul of their creations.

Beyond the confines of melocore genres, "carabina" has etched a path to success, their music resonating in the hearts of diverse audiences. As they continue to carve their unique sonic imprint, the journey of "carabina" unfolds, echoing the resilience of their origins while reaching new heights in the musical cosmos.


彼らの旅は、2011年の東日本大震災の余波の中で始まり、その瞬間が彼らの芸術的な情熱を刺激しました。翌年、宮城県で開催された「AIR JAM 2012」の舞台が彼らのキャンバスとなり、彼らの心はHi-STANDARDの魅力に捉えられました。

彼らの音楽の冒険の根は深く、2013年には宮城県石巻市で創られた前身のバンドが芽吹きました。高校時代は、東北ライブハウス大作戦の発端であり、その基盤は活気ある石巻BLUE RESISTANCEに根ざしています。





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