Born from the sonic crucible of Sendai in the balmy days of August 2020, this four-piece musical concoction emerged like a sonic potion. They're not just a band, they're a symphony of stories set to rhythm. Their music is an antidote to the humdrum, an elixir to combat monotony.

Brace yourself, for these troubadours have harnessed the power of "rough living" and transformed it into a musical journey that's equal parts gritty and glorious. It's as if they took a pinch of reality, a dash of day-to-day drudgery, and turned it into a melodic manifesto.

And let's talk "boredom." Oh, they've danced with the beast of boredom and emerged as victors, wielding their instruments like swords against the doldrums. What some might consider the enemy, they've embraced as a muse. With every strum, they shatter the shackles of monotony.

In the realm of music, they're the alternative universe you've been searching for. Their tunes don't just vibrate through speakers; they send shockwaves through your senses. A musical rebellion that's as catchy as it is cathartic.

So, if you're tired of the same old song, give your ears a taste of this Sendai-born symphony. A four-piece phenomenon that's rewriting the melody of "alternative." The antidote to bland, the potion for the prosaic – these sonic alchemists are here to remedy your musical malaise.







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