In the tapestry of Japanese punk history, the inception of SA dates back to 1984, meticulously crafted by the visionary vocalist Taisei Mabuchi in the heart of Gifu Prefecture. Known internationally as Samurai Attack, SA emerges as a distinctive force in the realm of punk rock, an art form that transcends borders.

Beyond the conventional, SA's sonic palette paints a vivid picture, with their unique musical identity often characterized as Oi! punk—an unmistakable blend of rebellion and rhythm. Taisei Mabuchi's brainchild, SA, stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of punk, echoing through the corridors of time.

From the scenic landscapes of Gifu Prefecture, SA's roots delve deep into the punk ethos, forging a musical journey that encapsulates the essence of rebellion and raw expression. Their sonic manifesto, etched in the liner notes of their releases, reverberates with a spirit that transcends linguistic boundaries.

SA, or Samurai Attack, is not just a band; it's a testament to the timeless resonance of punk, a cultural phenomenon birthed in the 80s that continues to captivate audiences globally. The enigmatic fusion of Taisei Mabuchi's vision and the punk spirit culminates in a musical experience that defies the ordinary, beckoning aficionados to delve into the untamed allure of SA's Oi! punk legacy.







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Here You can read an old interview with the band for the SKRUTT MAGAZINE. Thank You Peter for allowing to link to your site! You can read a lot about Swedish punk. Go to setting in Your browser to translate to your language!