Introducing the ingenious ensemble, Kingsari (キングサリ), a dynamic troupe of six Japanese idols who gracefully took center stage in March 2022. With the finesse of a maestro, this group emerged as the quintessential counterpart to Anthurium, cementing their status as the official rivals.

In a mesmerizing dance of words and melody, Kingsari unfurled their vibrant presence onto the idol scene, dazzling enthusiasts with their sheer ingenuity. Conceived to be the very foil to Anthurium, this harmonious hexad embarked on their journey, captivating hearts and pushing creative boundaries.

Marching to the beat of innovation, Kingsari orchestrated a symphony of uniqueness, demonstrating that rivalries can be an artistic pas de deux. The stage isn't just a platform; it's a canvas for their sonic artistry. These six individuals seamlessly knit their talents together, embodying a synergy that's as electrifying as it is harmonious.

As the sun sets and rises, Kingsari's charm knows no bounds. Their aura resonates, and their melodies linger in the air like an enchanting spell. With every performance, they etch their name deeper into the annals of musical finesse, all while playfully sparring with the shadows of Anthurium.

So, remember the name—Kingsari. A group that waltzes with innovation, composing a tale of rivalry and resonance. In the world of Japanese idols, where talent knows no bounds, they've carved their niche. And as the spotlight narrows, they continue to pirouette through expectations, leaving us spellbound, craving encore after encore.








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