Pioneers in the electro-pop scene since 1997, this dynamic duo has revolutionized music production by embracing the innovative approach of crafting their tunes entirely within a virtual studio on a PC. Their unconventional and exhilarating compositions sent shockwaves through the music industry, challenging norms with a free-spirited flair.

At the heart of this duo's sound is Toshiko Koshijima, the timeless vocalist who introduces a fresh retro synth vibe, perfectly complemented by the musical genius of Yasutaka Nakata, the maestro behind all production. Widely celebrated not only in their native Japan but also on the global stage, their music often finds its way back home as a revered import.

For over two decades, this electro-pop powerhouse continues to captivate audiences with a sound that transcends borders and stands as a testament to their unwavering creativity and innovative spirit.




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