Discover the Heartbeat of Japanese Rock
Rokku Sokuhō Calendar
Stay updated with the latest events, concerts, and releases in the Japanese rock scene. Dive into the world of rock, hardrock, metal, Visual Kei, punk, and Alternative Idol.
Upcoming Events

Tokyo Rock Fest
27th June 2024, 11AM - 1PM
Join us for an electrifying night featuring top Japanese rock bands. Tickets available now!

Visual Kei Night
30th June 2024, 9AM - 12PM
Experience the unique style and sound of Visual Kei with performances from iconic bands.

Punk Rock Revolution
4th July 2024, 7PM - 9PM
A night dedicated to the raw energy of punk rock. Don’t miss out on this high-energy event.
Event Details

August 8, 2024
8:00am – 6:00pm
1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220
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