In December 2022, they marked their debut with the digital release of their first mini-album, "Sekaiwo Dyed Iku," which claimed the top spot on the UK J-POP chart. This monumental moment was not just about the music; it also marked their first electrifying live performance, setting the stage for an exciting journey.
The group comprises four talented members: Hariko, Maimi, Amane, and Kokona. With a distinct focus on alternative music, each member treasures their unique individuality. Their creative mission is to demonstrate that even from their home in Yamagata, they possess the power to paint the world with their artistry.
2022年12月、彼らはデジタルで初のミニアルバム「セカイヲダイエット」をリリースし、これがUK J-POPチャートでトップを獲得しました。この歴史的瞬間は音楽にとどまらず、彼らの初のエキサイティングなライブパフォーマンスも印象づけ、魅力的な旅路の幕開けとなりました。
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