Embark on a sonic journey with Sonomenoshi, where Japanese vocals weave a unique tapestry of anarchopunk, alternative, ADK, and more—a harmonious blend of the band members' eclectic tastes. Keep an eye out for Andy, the bassist, who frequently graces Tsuyama with his presence!

In Hiroshima, AXE HELVETE immerses you in the depths of dark CRUST HARDCORE! The vocals roar with such intensity that it's as if enigmatic rituals unfold within a cave, creating an atmosphere both powerful and mysterious.


広島を拠点とするAXE HELVETEは、濃密なダーククラストハードコアの世界に没入させます! ボーカルの轟音は、まるで洞窟の中で不可解な儀式が繰り広げられているかのような強烈さ。力強くて神秘的な雰囲気が漂います。


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