ANCIENT MYTH is a captivating Japanese symphonic metal band that emerged from the vibrant city of Tokyo in 2002. Renowned for their innovative fusion of classical and symphonic elements with the raw power of metal, they create a distinctive and dynamic sound that resonates deeply with audiences. Current Members: Michal – Vocals, Hal – Keyboards, Shibuki – Drums, Kohei – Guitar. Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of ANCIENT MYTH as they guide you on a musical odyssey that transcends traditional genres. Their powerful melodies and intricate arrangements not only captivate but also leave a lasting impression, making each performance an unforgettable experience. With a rapidly growing fanbase and an unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of their artistry, ANCIENT MYTH continues to inspire and innovate within the symphonic metal landscape. Keep an eye out for their latest releases and tour dates.

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