Guitar] [MIYU: Bass] [MIO: Drums] - The Instrumental Metal Powerhouse, Now with HAL-CA on Vocals
From their earliest days, all three members of this remarkable ensemble had an unwavering passion for music. HAL-CA, once a soloist in his own right, found companions in MIO and MIYU, who were no strangers to the stage as they performed together in a sibling unit. But it was in 2014 that fate brought them together at a music contest, giving birth to the sensational band we know today - ASTERISM.
Armed with an unrivaled mastery of their instruments, these talented musicians have been making waves both within their home country and on the international stage since their teenage years. Their journey has taken them across the globe, from thrilling audiences on a US tour to captivating fans throughout Asia, including an electrifying appearance at SXSW in 2019.
The year 2023 marked a significant milestone in their career as they made their major debut under SME Records in March, signifying a new era of possibilities.
But ASTERISM is not just any ordinary metal band. They've carved out their own unique genre, aptly named "<mass metal>," a sound that aims to reach the masses, resound in hearts, and earn love worldwide. With their distinctive pop sensibilities and meticulously crafted compositions, they're setting their sights on a broader global audience, ready to conquer new horizons.
[HAL-CA: ギター] [MIYU: ベース] [MIO: ドラム] - 楽器を駆使するメタルの強力な力、そして今、HAL-CAがボーカルを務める
2023年は、彼らのキャリアにおいて重要な節目となり、3月にSME Recordsからのメジャーデビューを果たし、新たな可能性の時代の幕開けを意味しました。
しかし、ASTERISMはただのメタルバンドではありません。彼らは独自のジャンルを切り開きました。それが "<mass metal>" という適切な名前のもと、大衆に届き、心に響き、世界中で愛されるサウンドを目指しています。彼らの独自のポップな感性と緻密に作り込まれた楽曲で、彼らはより広範な国際的な観客を目指し、新たな地平線を征服する準備が整っています。
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