In the late 1970s, the musical landscape of Okinawa bore witness to the birth of Murasaki, a visionary ensemble founded by the maestro of keyboards, George Murasaki. Their inaugural performance in mainland Japan unfolded in 1975, a groundbreaking spectacle headlining an outdoor concert in Osaka, courtesy of Yamaha. As the band graced the stage, a wave of over 6,000 fervent rock enthusiasts surged forward in sheer ecstasy.

Following this electrifying debut and subsequent shows across Tokyo and beyond, Murasaki etched their sonic imprint on the scene with the release of two seminal albums in 1976: the eponymous "MURASAKI" and the impactful "Impact." Despite a temporary disbandment in 1978, the resilient spirit of Murasaki persevered through various reunions.

In 2007, the current lineup solidified, featuring original members George Murasaki, the rhythmic force Chibi on drums, the masterful guitarist Kiyomasa, and the dynamic GG on guitar. This core was augmented by the addition of JJ as the lead vocalist and Chris holding down the bass.

This rejuvenated unit embarked on a prolific journey, gracing the world with albums like "PURPLESSENCE," "EYES WIDE OPEN," and "QUASAR." A testament to their enduring legacy, Murasaki unveiled their self-titled documentary film, "MURASAKI," which premiered in Okinawa in 2022 and subsequently captivated audiences nationwide in January 2023. The film not only encapsulates the band's evolution but also serves as a testament to their indomitable spirit that has resonated through the decades.




この新しいユニットは、「PURPLESSENCE」、「EYES WIDE OPEN」、「QUASAR」などのアルバムで世界に華々しく登場しました。ムラサキは彼らの自己題名のドキュメンタリー映画、「MURASAKI」を発表し、2022年に沖縄で初演され、2023年1月には全国で観客を引き込みました。この映画はバンドの進化を包括しており、何十年にもわたって響き続けている不屈の精神の証となっています。


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