Unveiling their talents to the world in September 2021, this innovative quartet, a fusion of rock, idol charisma, and rap vibes, has etched its mark on the music scene. Beyond the constraints of a singular genre, this dynamic group weaves a sonic tapestry, infusing the raw energy of rap rock with intricate elements like scratches and strings.

In their artistic journey, they defy the norm, refusing to be confined to a fixed musical style. The heartbeat of their diverse sound is orchestrated by a league of accomplished composers. Notable maestros such as Kyoji Hiraichi, acclaimed for his collaborations with PassCode, and the prolific thug., renowned for crafting melodies for the likes of Wagamama Rakia, stand as pillars in shaping their musical narrative.

Distinguished contributors extend beyond these luminaries, with a rich influx of compositions flowing from diverse artistic minds. Among them is the multitalented $ENKIN (Vo./Gt./Rap.) of MELLOWSHiP, a force in the mixed-genre rock landscape representing the vibrant Kansai region.

This collaboration with a spectrum of genre virtuosos paves the way for an expansive repertoire, allowing them to breathe life into a kaleidoscope of musical styles. From the heart of rap rock to the soulful interplay of strings, this group is poised to captivate audiences with their boundless creativity and genre-blurring sonic landscapes.


彼らの芸術的な旅では、通例に挑み、固定された音楽スタイルに縛られることを拒否しています。彼らの多様なサウンドの鼓動は、実力派の作曲家たちによって指揮されています。PassCodeとのコラボで知られるKyoji Hiraichiや、Wagamama Rakiaなどへの楽曲提供で著名なthug.などの著名なマエストロたちは、彼らの音楽的な物語を形作る中で重要な存在です。




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