Unleash the Power of Neo-Mystic Hard Rock with Nostalgic Melodies
Experience the magic of a song that seamlessly blends J-ROCK elements reminiscent of the '80s HEAD ROCK and HEAVY METAL. Enter the world of a neo-mystic hard rock band, where powerful yet melancholic ROCK SOUND meets emotionally charged lyrics.
Our mission is to craft a live space that captivates audiences of all backgrounds, offering a platform to express diverse worldviews. We're known for our unique choreography, including the iconic rabbit ear dance, adding an extra layer of charm to our performances.
Join us as we embark on a sonic journey filled with nostalgia, intensity, and unforgettable melodies
80年代のHEAD ROCKとHEAVY METALを彷彿とさせるJ-ROCK要素を巧みに組み合わせた曲の魔法を体感してください。ネオ・ミスティック・ハードロックバンドの世界へ入り込み、力強くもメランコリックなROCK SOUNDが感情豊かな歌詞と出会います。
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