Enter the electrifying realm of Nemophila (ネモフィラ), a Japanese heavy metal force that emerged from the vibrant streets of Tokyo in 2019. The ensemble, consisting of the dynamic Mayu on vocals, Hazuki on guitar, the rhythmic foundation laid by bassist Haraguchi-san, and the powerhouse drummer Tamu Murata, transcends the conventional boundaries of heavy music.

Nemophila, often described as a delightful paradox, seamlessly blends the gentle and cute with sounds that resonate heavier than hell itself. Their musical canvas is a rich tapestry that weaves together influences from various genres, spanning the realms of loud rock to the gritty allure of grunge.

At the core of Nemophila's sonic identity is the concept of 'yurufuwa,' a Japanese term encapsulating the essence of being fluffy and smooth. This unique approach sets them apart, infusing their metalcore foundation with a distinctive personality. The result is a harmonious fusion that takes the intensity of metalcore and wraps it in a 'yurufuwa' embrace, creating an auditory experience that is both powerful and charming.

Mayu's vocals soar with emotive precision, guided by the intricate dance of Hazuki's guitar, while Haraguchi-san's basslines and Tamu Murata's drumming provide the solid backbone that propels Nemophila's sonic journey.

In the realm of heavy music, Nemophila stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities of expression, where contrasts coalesce into a seamless, genre-defying symphony. Buckle up as Nemophila invites you to experience the 'yurufuwa' side of metal, where strength meets softness in a musical adventure unlike any other.

日本のヘビーメタルの力強い存在、Nemophila(ネモフィラ)の刺激的な領域に入ってください。このアンサンブルは2019年に東京の活気ある街から現れ、ダイナミックなヴォーカル、Mayu、ギターの腕利きデュオ、Hazuki、リズミカルな基盤を築くベーシストのHaraguchi-san、そしてパワーハウスのドラマーTamu Murataで構成されており、重い音楽の従来の境界を超えています。



Mayuのヴォーカルは感情豊かに舞い、Hazukiのギターの複雑なダンスに導かれます。一方で、Haraguchi-sanのベースラインとTamu Murataのドラミングは、Nemophilaの音楽の旅を推進するしっかりとした支えとなっています。




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Nemophila At The Budokan (Pre Show Images & Report)