Behold the sonic sorcery of, a visual kei metal ensemble that defies conventional boundaries. Immerse yourself in the enigmatic aura of this band, a gathering of mystical rabbit humanoids whose music transcends the ordinary and journeys into unexplored dimensions. is not your typical metal experience; it's a visual odyssey through the fantastical and the extraordinary. Picture an ethereal fusion of striking visuals and powerful metal melodies, orchestrated by these mysterious rabbit minstrels.
Step into a realm where music meets mystique, where paints soundscapes with hues of intrigue and enigma. Their stage presence, a mesmerizing blend of visual storytelling and intense musicality, ensures an unforgettable auditory and visual experience.
Prepare to be enchanted by the beguiling world of, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and the power of music takes on a captivating new form. Join us on this avant-garde journey, where visual kei meets the transcendent allure of rabbit mysticism in the metal realm. beckons – the enigma awaits your senses.
Rorschach.incの魅力的な世界に魅了される準備をしましょう。ここでは現実とファンタジーの境界が曖昧であり、音楽の力が魅力的な新しい形を帯びています。ビジュアル系がメタルの領域で超越的なウサギの神秘に出会う前衛的な旅にご参加ください。Rorschach.incが招待します – その謎めきがあなたの感覚を待っています。
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