Maaya Uchida, also known as Uchida Maaya (内田真礼), is the brilliant voice behind the character Ranko Kanzaki. She's a distinguished talent associated with the renowned agency, I'm Enterprise. Interestingly, her younger sibling, Yuuma Uchida, is part of the same agency, showcasing a family tradition of remarkable voice acting.
In a defining moment of her career, in February 2014, Maaya Uchida achieved well-deserved recognition by clinching the prestigious Best New Actress Award at the 8th Seiyu Awards, solidifying her status as a rising star in the world of voice acting.
内田真礼(うちだまあや)、または内田真礼(Uchida Maaya)は、ランコ・神崎役の魅力的な声の才能です。彼女は名高いエージェンシー、I'm Enterpriseに所属しています。興味深いことに、彼女の弟である内田雄馬も同じエージェンシーに所属しており、優れた声優の家族の伝統を示しています。
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