Embracing a Fresh Beginning: TRiDENT Emerges with NAGISA
In a significant reboot on May 1, 2020, this band emerged from a three-month hiatus, rejuvenated and resolute. Following a member's departure, the group adopted a new identity, and notably, NAGISA joined their ranks. With this transformation, the new trio, known as "TRiDENT," embarked on the next exciting chapter of their musical revolution.
TRiDENT made a powerful statement, captivating audiences with their dynamic appearance and a sound that resonated with intensity. Their debut music video, "Continue," released under their new moniker, achieved an impressive milestone, amassing over 1 million views within just three months, a remarkable feat for an indie band.
This band defies expectations with their robust sound and captivating performances. They brandish the trident, unleashing the force of 'RIDE ON MUSIC.' TRiDENT is poised to claim its spot as the hottest rock sensation of the millennial generation.
新たな始まりを抱えて: NAGISA とともに誕生した TRiDENT
このバンドは、その堅実なサウンドと魅力的なパフォーマンスで期待を覆し、トライデントを掲げ、'RIDE ON MUSIC' の力を解き放っています。TRiDENTは、ミレニアル世代の最も注目すべきロックセンセーションとしての地位を確立しようとしています。
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