In the magical convergence of Unlucky Morpheus' Jill and soLi's virtuoso Hoshino Saori, the ethereal collaboration takes form as the enchanting unit, TONERICO, marking their debut album. Embarking on a sonic journey, the artistry woven by these remarkable violinists transcends the ordinary, unfolding before the listeners like a mesmerizing alchemical symphony that resonates deep within the soul.
Witness the fusion of musical brilliance as TONERICO's debut album unveils a world where strings become the conduits of enchantment, leaving an indelible imprint on the hearts of those who dare to listen.
This extraordinary musical endeavor boasts contributions from the maestros of the industry, including Mao (Key) from the luminous LIGHT BLINGER, ISAO (Gt) representing soLi and the esteemed Hamada Mari Band, Yusuke (Gt) from the soaring Matenrou Opera, and the multi-talented Tom-H@ck. Renowned for crafting melodies for beloved anime and collaborating with various artists, Tom-H@ck brings his mastery to the realms of sound production, composition, and performance, elevating TONERICO's debut into an unparalleled auditory masterpiece. Let the symphony of strings guide you through a sonic alchemy orchestrated by the virtuosic hands of these musical luminaries.
この非凡な音楽プロジェクトには、業界のマエストロたちが貢献しており、輝かしいLIGHT BLINGERのMao(Key)、soLiおよび浜田麻里バンドを代表するISAO(Gt)、舞天楼オペラからのYusuke(Gt)、そして多才なTom-H@ckが含まれています。愛されるアニメのメロディを創り出し、さまざまなアーティストと協力することで知られるTom-H@ckが、TONERICOのデビューを音楽の制作、作曲、演奏の領域に引き上げ、並外れた音響の傑作に昇華させます。これらの音楽の巨星たちの巧みな手によってオーケストラされる、弦の響きに導かれてください。
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