In the vibrant autumn of 2022, three celestial emissaries – Yoko Hino, Kuharadi Kuharada, and Akaringo Star – descended upon Chiba Prefecture after a cosmic crash landing from Sgt. Pepper's planet. United by a cosmic mission, these interstellar muses came together to orchestrate a rock'n'roll invasion of our beloved Earth.
Today, prepare to be enthralled as they unleash the power of rock'n'roll with an unconventional and baseless 3-piece ensemble. Join us on this celestial journey as we transcend musical boundaries and create an otherworldly symphony that resonates through the very fabric of our existence. It's not just a performance; it's a cosmic experience that will leave an indelible mark on the Earth's sonic landscape.
2022年の躍動する秋、三人の天体使者、Yoko Hino、Kuharadi Kuharada、そしてAkaringo Starは、Sgt. Pepper'sの惑星からの宇宙的な墜落後、千葉県に降り立ちました。宇宙の使命に結ばれたこれらの星間のミューズは、愛された地球へのロックンロールの侵略を演奏するために集結しました。
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