Introducing METALVERSE, an exciting newcomer to the music scene, boasting a talented lineup including notable figures like Koba. Backed by the same Kami as Babymetal, METALVERSE brings a fresh energy to the stage. With roots in Sakura Gakuin, many of its members are already familiar faces in the industry.

Their debut was marked by electrifying performances alongside Babymetal, where they showcased their versatility by taking on alternate roles in iconic tracks like "Karate" and "Doki Doki Morning." These collaborations added a captivating dimension to Babymetal's arena shows, hinting at the boundless potential of METALVERSE.

With a fusion of talent, experience, and innovation, METALVERSE promises to carve its own path in the world of metal music, captivating audiences with their dynamic performances and distinctive style.

METALVERSE、音楽シーンに新たな風を巻き起こす注目の新人バンドです。Kobaを始めとした、才能あふれるメンバーたちが勢揃いしています。Babymetalと同じ神バックによって支えられ、METALVERSEはステージに新しいエネルギーをもたらしています。Sakura Gakuin出身のメンバーも多く、業界で既に知られた顔ぶれです。


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