Established in the depths of 2001 by the visionaries Gara (Vo.), Yuu (Gt.), Ken’ichi (Gt.), Tetsu (Ba.), and Nero (Dr.), MERRY stands resilient, weathering the storms of a career marked by challenges. From Gara's life-altering surgery to Tetsu's hospitalization following an accident, their journey unfolds amidst trials.

In August 2020, defying the shadows cast by the COVID-19 pandemic, MERRY embarked on a nationwide odyssey titled the "5 Sheep Last Tour" with 17 awe-inspiring performances. Despite the constraints of a health emergency, the band orchestrated a triumphant tour, refusing to limit venue capacities. Rigorous preventive measures shielded attendees, ensuring not a single soul fell victim to the virus.

From groundbreaking crowdfunding initiatives to encouraging the audience to fling gummy candies onto an acrylic stage-floor boundary, MERRY's avant-garde concepts revolutionized the live show experience.

The crescendo of the "5 Sheep Last Tour" echoed at the Hibiya Open-Air Concert Hall on September 19th, 2020, marking the departure of Ken’ichi after an illustrious 19-year tenure as MERRY's guitarist.

MERRY transcends the confines of genre, earning accolades from both mainstream and underground spheres. The quartet persists in their distinctive musical journey, poised to rock on and propagate their current ethos of "Purification" across the global stage.


2020年8月、COVID-19パンデミックによる影に立ち向かい、MERRYは「5 Sheep Last Tour」と題された全国ツアーに乗り出し、17の感動的なパフォーマンスを披露しました。健康緊急事態の制約にもかかわらず、バンドは会場の収容人数を制限せず、堂々としたツアーを実現しました。厳格な予防措置が参加者を守り、ウイルスに感染することは一人もなかったことが確認されました。


「5 Sheep Last Tour」のクライマックスは2020年9月19日、日比谷野外音楽堂で響き渡り、Ken’ichiがMERRYのギタリストとして19年間の輝かしい活動に幕を下ろしました。



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