Introducing Mercuro (マーキュロ): A Seven-Member Female Idol Ensemble
Formation and Debut:
In May 2022, the entertainment world witnessed the creation of Mercuro, a captivating seven-member female idol group. The ensemble boasts an eclectic lineup of talent, including Gashuu Kiru, Kouya Zera, Akuta Tamaki, Suijou Nier, Shizuki Renge, Aisaki Yuuri, and Utashiro Kamite. Their stage debut took place on June 24, 2022, marking the beginning of their exciting journey into the world of music and entertainment.
Discover Mercuro:
Mercuro (マーキュロ) brings a fresh and dynamic presence to the idol scene, with each member contributing a unique charm and talent to the group. Stay tuned as they continue to enchant audiences and make their mark in the world of music.
メルクロ (マーキュロ) のご紹介: 7人組の女性アイドルアンサンブル
メルクロ (マーキュロ) はアイドルシーンに新鮮でダイナミックな存在感をもたらし、各メンバーがグループにユニークな魅力と才能を貢献しています。彼らが観客を魅了し、音楽の世界で自己を証明し続ける様子をお楽しみにください。
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