Embark on a captivating musical odyssey with "INTERAGE," a band that seamlessly blends intellect, passion, and emotion into their rock anthems. Helmed by Dewey, the drumming virtuoso from NINJAMAN JAPAN, this ensemble marks a new chapter in the world of soundscapes.
Crafting a harmonious tapestry of sonic brilliance, INTERAGE brings together an array of exceptional talents. Tomo's vocals resonate like poetry, while Tomohiro Hiyoshi and Ren Shikiya weave intricate guitar melodies that paint sonic landscapes. Providing the rhythmic foundation is Yusuke Fujita, the bass maestro, and guiding the symphony with impeccable percussive finesse is none other than Dewey Takuro Ono on drums.
From their inception, INTERAGE has transcended musical boundaries, infusing their compositions with deep emotion and intellectual depth. Their melodies resonate on a profound level, embracing listeners with an all-encompassing sonic embrace that transcends mere auditory pleasure.
This collective, led by Dewey's visionary prowess, heralds a musical era that's more than entertainment—it's an experience that lingers in the heart and mind. The convergence of intellect and passion, the interplay of notes and emotions, all find their home within the sphere of INTERAGE.
In a world where music has the power to evoke raw sentiment and elevate the soul, INTERAGE emerges as a luminary. Each member brings their unique flair, contributing to a sonic journey that's both exhilarating and thought-provoking.
As the curtain rises on the next chapter of musical evolution, INTERAGE invites you to join their narrative. The symphony awaits, promising an exploration of emotion and intellect, woven into the very fabric of their compositions. This is more than just a band—it's an artistic movement, and it's here to captivate your senses.
知性と情熱、感情をロックのアンセムに無二の調和で融合させる「INTERAGE」というバンドという魅惑的な音楽の旅に出かけましょう。NINJAMAN JAPANのドラミングの名手であるDeweyが率い、このアンサンブルは音楽の世界に新たな章を刻みます。
音楽の輝かしい織り交ぜを創り出すINTERAGEは、卓越した才能の数々を一堂に集めています。Tomoのボーカルは詩のように響き、Tomohiro HiyoshiとRen Shikiyaは緻密なギターメロディを紡ぎ出し、リズミカルな土台はベースの名手、Yusuke Fujitaが担い、完璧なパーカッションの技巧でシンフォニーを導くのは、まさにドラムの名手、Dewey Takuro Onoです。
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