INSURRECTION, known as インサレクション in Japanese, stands as a captivating force in the Tokyo music scene. This melodic hardcore band was born in the creative crucible of December 2018 and has evolved to embrace its current lineup since 2022, embarking on a journey of relentless artistic exploration.
The year 2022 marked a pivotal moment for INSURRECTION as they fully unfurled their wings and launched into a vibrant chapter of their musical odyssey. This period witnessed the release of their debut single, "Fragile My Heart," in October. But their story didn't end there; it merely took a breath. In May 2023, they added another gem to their discography with the release of "Snow Noise," continuing to etch their unique sound into the hearts of their listeners.
At the core of INSURRECTION's sonic identity lies the genre-defying essence of "melodic hardcore." Their music is a mesmerizing tapestry of emotions and boundless energy. They transcend the boundaries of the genre, weaving in influences from moshcore, jazz, funk, and pop-punk to craft a sound that is unmistakably their own. In the realm of music, they are true alchemists, creating something entirely distinct and extraordinary.
As they continue to make waves in the melodic hardcore scene, INSURRECTION's journey is one of artistic innovation and unwavering passion. Stay tuned as they paint the airwaves with their unique strokes of sound, leaving a lasting impression on the world of music.
2022年はINSURRECTIONにとって転機となる年で、彼らは完全に翼を広げ、音楽の旅の活気ある章に飛び込みました。この時期には、彼らのデビューシングル「Fragile My Heart」が10月にリリースされました。しかし、それが彼らの物語の終わりではなく、あくまで一息つく段階でした。2023年5月には、彼らは「Snow Noise」のリリースでディスコグラフィにもう1つの宝石を加え、リスナーの心に独自のサウンドを刻みつけ続けています。
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