Established in the year 2000, Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu swiftly emerged as a distinctive force in the metal scene. Their ferociously intense sound and distinctive persona garnered widespread recognition among the local metal community in Kawagoe, the heart of Saitama's rich traditions. Acknowledged as the unrivaled "SAMURAI warrior death/thrash metal" band, they ascended to claim the title of the "Brutal King of Kawagoe."
Having conquered their local domain, Gotsu Totsu Kotsu now sets their sights on a grander conquest—the entire world. Their ambition knows no bounds as they aspire to be the undisputed rulers, the "Brutal Kings" not just of Kawagoe, but of the entire planet.
The very name "Gotsu Totsu Kotsu" pays homage to an ancient samurai warrior, a theme intricately woven into the fabric of their music. Instead of confining themselves to the conventional label of death metal, the band proudly identifies as creators of "Samurai Metal," a genre that embodies the spirit of warriors from a bygone era. This unique blend of musical prowess and cultural homage sets Gotsu Totsu Kotsu apart on their quest to become the next reigning force in the global metal realm.
地元の領域を制覇した今、Gotsu Totsu Kotsuは視野を広げ、より大きな征服――世界中へと向けています。彼らの野心は限りなく広がり、彼らは川越だけでなく、地球全体の「ブルータルキング」であることを目指しています。
「Gotsu Totsu Kotsu」という名前自体が古代の武士に敬意を表しており、そのテーマは彼らの音楽の中に入り組んでいます。デスメタルの従来のラベルに縛られることなく、バンドは誇らしげに「サムライメタル」の創造者として身を立て、かつての時代の戦士の精神を具現化するジャンルとしています。この音楽的な巧妙さと文化的なオマージュのユニークな融合が、Gotsu Totsu Kotsuを世界のメタル領域で次なる支配勢力に押し上げています。
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