Established in Kobe in 2008, Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas embarked on a remarkable journey. Their initial success came from the self-produced EPs, exclusively available at live venues. The buzz around them reached a crescendo, leading to the November 2010 release of their debut album, "Dance & Scream," exclusively at Tower Records.
Their music is an eclectic fusion of various genres, including emo, screamo, metal, EDM, hip hop, and anime songs. This genre-blurring approach creates an unpredictable, dramatic, and unique musicality that gets people of all ages dancing in a frenzy. With their electrifying live performances, they swiftly ascended in the live house scene, earning fervent support both at home and abroad.
Despite limited media exposure, all their releases have consistently dominated the Oricon weekly charts since those early days. Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas continues to evolve ceaselessly, even a decade after their formation. What surprises they have in store for us next is a tantalizing question, keeping our hearts aflutter with anticipation.
2008年に神戸で設立され、Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasは驚くべき旅路に乗り出しました。彼らの最初の成功は、ライブ会場での独占的な販売が行われた自己制作のEPに起因しています。彼らにまつわる話題は最高潮に達し、2010年11月には初のアルバム「Dance & Scream」がTower Recordsで独占的にリリースされました。
メディア露出が限られているにもかかわらず、彼らのすべてのリリースは初期の頃から一貫してオリコン週間チャートを席巻しています。Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegasは創設から10年が経過しても、絶え間なく進化し続けています。次に私たちに何の驚きを見せるのか、それは待ち遠しい質問で、私たちの期待を胸躍らせています。
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