Originally known as "And Emily" and later as "Acid Cherry King," they emerged as a session band in 2010, featuring vocalist Chiaki, bassist SaZ, drummer Tetsuro, and guitarist Kira. In a transformative move, the group adopted the name DEZERT in 2011, marking a significant shift in their musical journey. Their inaugural single, "Boku no Himitsu to Reizouko," hit the airwaves the subsequent year.
DEZERT's early musical landscape drew inspiration from robust and forceful genres, including metalcore, nu-metal, and hardcore punk. However, their evolution is a testament to their dynamic approach, constantly redefining their sound and pushing the boundaries of creativity. This metamorphosis reflects their commitment to innovation and a refusal to be confined by musical conventions.
もともとは"And Emily"として知られ、後に"Acid Cherry King"としても知られるようになった彼らは、2010年にヴォーカリストChiaki、ベーシストSaZ、ドラマーTetsuro、ギタリストKiraによって結成されたセッション・バンドでした。2011年に、グループはDEZERTという名前を採用し、彼らの音楽の旅路で重要な転換点を迎えました。その翌年には、デビュー・シングル「僕の秘密と冷蔵庫」がオンエアされました。
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