Category: Live Concert



    LEONAIR is about to serve up a full concert experience, complete with their signature flair—expect riffs hotter than a dragon’s breath and vibes cooler than the other side of the pillow. Get ready for a show that’s 100% LEONAIR, no fillers, just pure, unfiltered awesomeness! LEONAIRが彼らの特徴的なスタイルでフルコンサートをお届けします—ドラゴンの吐息よりも熱いリフと、枕の裏側よりもクールな雰囲気を期待してください。フィラーなしの100%LEONAIR、純粋でフィルタリングされていない素晴らしいショーの準備を整えてください! Youtube video Support the band / artist! Buy their…



    DIR EN GREY just dropped a blast from the past—a concert clip from 2017 called “ANDROGYNOS – a view of the Megiddo.” Consider it an appetizer, because the band is teaming up with PIERROT to serve the main course in October: “ANDROGYNOS – THE FINAL WAR.” If you’re into epic throwdowns with a side of…

  • A glimps in to the Japanese Underground Scene

    A glimps in to the Japanese Underground Scene

    Get ready for a deep dive into the wild world of Japanese underground rock! We’ve got a two-video extravaganza lined up, featuring the elusive The Broken Hearts Club, the enigmatic Kan December, the mysterious HAZE, the boldly named The rock’n’roll suicide tennessean mother fucker, and finally, the enigmatic FUTUKORO. We couldn’t dig up much on…



    The heavy-metal Visual Kei band DIAURA just served up a full concert experience for your viewing pleasure! Straight from Fool’s Day 2021, it’s like an April Fool’s joke with a twist—except this time, the punchline is some seriously epic metal! Get ready to rock out like it’s your favorite day of the year! ヘビーメタル・ビジュアル系バンドDIAURAが、皆さんのためにフルコンサートを提供しました!2021年の愚民の日からのライブで、エイプリルフールの冗談のようなひねりが効いていますが、今回はそのオチが壮大なメタルです!最高の日のようにロックアウトする準備をしておいてください! Youtube…

  • Jungfrau

    The rockin’ TEAM A’THRASH caught Jungfrau shaking the stage at Shibuya CYCLONE, Tokyo—though rumor has it the camera crew was headbanging so hard, they almost became part of the show! ロッキンなTEAM A’THRASHが、東京・渋谷CYCLONEでのJungfrauのステージを捉えましたが、カメラクルーがあまりにも激しくヘッドバンギングしていたため、噂ではショーの一部になりかけたとか! Youtube video Support the band / artist! Buy their records and goods. Most important of all: Go to their concerts! More info on…

  • RazorLads


    SZK_pnx filmed the RazorLads gig at Red Dragon in Nagoya with a steady hand—proving that even in the face of punk chaos, the camera stayed cooler than the crowd! 名古屋のRed Dragonで行われたRazorLadsのライブを、SZK_pnxがしっかりと撮影しました。パンクの混沌の中でも、カメラは観客よりクールに保たれていたことを証明しました! Youtube video Support the band / artist! Buy their records and goods. Most important of all: Go to their concerts! More info on Rokku…

  • 9991


    Japan’s underground metal scene is absolutely crushing it! Check out the latest footage from tAkadeadchannel, who captured the metalcore band 9991 tearing it up at their gig in Moon Step, Nakano City, Tokyo. It’s raw, it’s heavy, and it’s ready to melt your face off—so crank up the volume and dive into the madness! 日本のアンダーグラウンドメタルシーンは絶好調です!tAkadeadchannelが撮影した、東京・中野市のムーンステップで行われたメタルコアバンド9991の最新ライブ映像をチェックしてください。生々しくてヘビーで、顔が溶けるほどの迫力—音量を上げて、この狂気に飛び込んでください!…

  • Incomplete Youth 未完成少年

    Incomplete Youth 未完成少年

    The rock rebels of 未完成少年, also known as Incomplete Youth, have just unleashed their entire gig at Kings X in Kobe. If you thought you were in for a regular rock show, think again! This performance is like watching a group of teenagers trying to assemble IKEA furniture – chaotic, unpredictable, and absolutely entertaining. Imagine…

  • milet


    The ever-talented milet has just released a live pop-rock album straight from Nippon Budokan. This album is so electrifying, it might just make your houseplants start headbanging. Imagine the epic energy of Budokan captured in one album – it’s like having a front-row seat at a concert without the risk of spilled drinks. Crank up…

  • 3beat


    Get ready to rock, because the band 3beat just unleashed a full gig from Utsunomiya Hard Rock House from earlier this month! It’s like they bottled the energy of a live concert and delivered it straight to your screen—no mosh pit required! ロックする準備をしてください!バンド3beatが今月初めに宇都宮ハードロックハウスでのフルギグを公開しました!ライブコンサートのエネルギーを瓶に詰めて、あなたの画面に届けてくれたようなものです—モッシュピットは不要です! Youtube video Support the band / artist! Buy their records and goods.…