Meet the sensational duo, Bed-In – an underground, sexy idol unit featuring the dynamic pairing of Kaori Masuko (on the left) and Mai Chusonji (on the right). These visionary artists are not just performers; they are architects of their own destiny, actively embracing complete self-production. Their creative journey is fueled by a deep-seated respect for the late 80s to early 90s, with a mission to reignite the captivating storm of the bubble era in the heart of Japan.
The inception of Bed-In took place in 2012 when Kaori and Mai, both previously immersed in different musical realms, decided to venture boldly into the contemporary idol scene. This scene, often fixated on notions of cuteness and innocence, met its match with the duo's audacious entry. Drawing from their rich musical backgrounds, Bed-In swiftly captivated audiences with their rock-infused live performances, 'Oyaji Gal' (middle-aged man style) proclamations, and engaging Twitter interactions, creating ripples of excitement across the Japanese landscape.
Immerse yourself in the allure of "Bodycon Rock," a mesmerizing fusion of Kaori's robust and confident vocal expressions and Mai's guitar play that effortlessly tears through hidden desires. Bed-In not only delivers a musical experience but also promises to transport you back to the unbridled energy of the bubble era, injecting a burst of excitement that is yet to be explored.
Get ready to be swept away as Bed-In brings forth a renaissance of artistic expression, redefining the boundaries of the modern idol landscape. This is more than a performance; it's a journey, a statement, and an experience waiting to unfold. Join us in embracing the uncharted territories of sound, style, and the timeless spirit of Bed-In!
驚きのデュオ、Bed-Inに会いましょう - 左には増子香織、右には中尊寺舞のダイナミックなペアリングをフィーチャーした、アンダーグラウンドでセクシーなアイドルユニットです。これらのビジョナリーアーティストは単なるパフォーマーではありません。彼らは自分たちの運命の建築家であり、積極的に完全なセルフプロダクションを受け入れています。彼らの創造的な旅路は、80年代後半から90年代初頭への深い尊敬によって駆り立てられ、日本の中心でバブル時代の魅力的な嵐を再点火する使命を帯びています。
「ボディコンロック」の魅力に没頭してください - 香織の逞しい自信に満ちたボーカルと、舞の隠れた欲望を軽々と裂くギタープレイの見事な融合。Bed-Inは音楽体験を提供するだけでなく、あなたをバブル時代の無尽蔵なエネルギーに運び、未だ未知の興奮を注入することをお約束します。
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