Antithese (アンチテーゼ): Redefining Rebellion Through Music
The Birth of Antithese:
In the ever-evolving world of music, a unique sensation emerged on June 14, 2022. Antithese, a dynamic four-member idol group, took its first breath. Their journey into the spotlight began on July 7, 2022, at the renowned SHIBUYA WOMB.
Embracing Rebellion:
Antithese's motto is crystal clear: "The time for rebellion has come" (反逆の時は満ちた). With their music, they challenge conventions and redefine the boundaries of rebellion. This is a band poised to reshape the very essence of musical expression.
Witness the Revolution:
Antithese is more than just a idolgroup; it's a revolution in the making. Join us in exploring the uncharted territory of rebellion and music, where their unique sound and spirit converge. Be prepared for an unforgettable journey into the heart of musical rebellion.
アンチテーゼ (Antithese): 音楽を通じて反乱を再定義
音楽の絶え間なく進化する世界で、2022年6月14日に独自の感覚が現れました。アンチテーゼ、ダイナミックな4人組アイドルグループ、初めて息を吹きました。彼らのスポットライトへの旅は、2022年7月7日、名だたるSHIBUYA WOMBで始まりました。
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