82nd Life Sentence (82 Kaime no shushinkei / 82回目の終身刑): Music That Broke Free from Confinement
Intriguing and unconventional, the 82nd Life Sentence, often referred to as "Hachikei," is more than just a girl band; it's a musical phenomenon born from incarceration. Established on August 2, 2017, this group defies convention, with its unique story setting it apart.
The "Prison Prisoner Girls Band" emerged as a collaborative effort involving members both within and outside the correctional system. At its heart is Hazuki, a former solo artist based in Osaka, who has played a pivotal role in shaping the band's identity.
One remarkable aspect of this ensemble is the term used when a member decides to part ways – it's aptly termed the "expiration of their sentence." This adds a distinctive layer to their journey.
The 82nd Life Sentence continues to captivate audiences with their music, showcasing the power of redemption and creative expression. Their story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, transcending boundaries and captivating hearts along the way.
82回目の終身刑 (82nd Life Sentence):閉じ込められた音楽の自由魅力的で常識にとらわれない、82回目の終身刑、通称「Hachikei」は、単なるガールバンドにとどまらない、収監から生まれた音楽の現象です。2017年8月2日に設立され、このグループは常識を打破し、そのユニークな物語で注目を浴びています。
このアンサンブルの特筆すべき側面の一つは、メンバーが脱退を決定した際に使用される用語です - それは適切に「刑期の満了」と称されています。これは彼らの旅路に独自の要素を追加しています。
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